Absinthe Scene in Eurotrip

Eurotrip Absinthe

This movie created a big buzz for Absinthe. We often received inquiries like “Do you sell the Absinthe from Eurotrip..?”. First of all, such a nucelar green glowing Absinthe does not exist, it is a Hollywood film requisite. And of course, Absinthe does not make you hallucinate. But the movie Eurotrip is funny, full of prejudices, but sometimes they can be quite entertaining 😉

Eurotrip Absinthe: Movie Scene

Have you ever watched the movie Eurotrip and found yourself intrigued by that enigmatic green drink the characters were indulging in? You’re not alone. That vibrant green libation is none other than Absinthe, a legendary spirit with a rich history and a notorious reputation.


Absinthe has captured the imagination of artists, writers, and travelers for centuries. Its association with Bohemian culture, creativity, and even madness has made it a subject of fascination and intrigue. But what exactly is Absinthe, and why does it hold such allure?

First things first, let’s delve into the basics. Absinthe is a highly alcoholic spirit distilled from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium, commonly known as wormwood, along with green anise, sweet fennel, and various other herbs. It’s this combination of ingredients that gives Absinthe its distinctive herbal flavor and, of course, its mesmerizing green hue.

One of the most iconic aspects of Absinthe is its preparation ritual. It involves dripping ice-cold water over a sugar cube placed on a slotted spoon atop the glass of absinthe. As the water dilutes the spirit, it undergoes a mesmerizing transformation known as the louche, where the drink turns milky and opalescent, releasing aromatic oils and unlocking its complex flavors.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Green Alcohol Drink in Eurotrip: Absinthe Adventure

But what about its notorious reputation? Absinthe gained notoriety in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in Europe. It was associated with the Bohemian lifestyle of artists and writers. Its supposed psychoactive effects, attributed to the presence of thujone, a compound found in wormwood, led to claims of hallucinations, madness, and even violent behavior.

However, modern research has debunked many of these myths, revealing that the levels of thujone in Absinthe are too low to cause hallucinations or significant psychoactive effects. In fact, Absinthe’s reputation as a dangerous spirit was largely the result of misinformation and sensationalism.

Absinthe nowadays

Today, Absinthe enjoys a resurgence in popularity, albeit with a more nuanced understanding of its effects and history. It’s cherished for its complex flavor profile, which ranges from herbal and floral notes to hints of anise and citrus. And while it’s still considered a potent spirit, its consumption is typically more moderate and informed by a greater appreciation for its cultural significance.

So, the next time you find yourself watching Eurotrip or contemplating a journey of your own, consider delving into the world of Absinthe. Whether you’re drawn to its vibrant green color, its rich history, or its complex flavors, Absinthe promises an adventure like no other. One that’s as intoxicating as it is intriguing. Cheers to the Green Fairy!



The ALANDIA Absinthe store was established in 2001. From this date on we are proudly serving the Absinthe Community worldwide.

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