Absinthe République Vintage Review

Absinthe République Vintage
Absinthe République Vintage

This month, we proudly present a new Absinthe as our Absinthe of the Month: Absinthe ALANDIA République Vintage. It is an Absinthe that we developed in cooperation with the French Devoille Distillery. Enclosed you find a brief review of République Vintage’s recipe and taste. As a special introduction offer, you will receive this month one Absinthe glass or one Absinthe spoon for free.

The recipe of Absinthe République Vintage is based on a traditional herbal composition. It includes green anise, fennel and of course wormwood. But Absinthe République uses as well a special ingredient, that gives this Absinthe a unique taste: Coriander seeds. The seeds of coriander taste completely different in comparison to fresh coriander leaves. You will experience a nutty, slightly fresh note, perfectly matching the aromas of fennel and anise. For the distillation, wine alcohol is used as a base. This gives Absinthe République Vintage a faint touch of Cognac in the finish. If you are looking for a premium Absinthe and appreciate the combination of tradition with a hint of modernism, then this Absinthe should be your choice! You can also consult the Absinthe République Vintage reviews in our store.


The ALANDIA Absinthe store was established in 2001. From this date on we are proudly serving the Absinthe Community worldwide.

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