OId Absinthe Pernod Fils Tarragona

Vintage Absinthe Pernod Fils Tarragona
Vintage Absinthe Pernod Fils Tarragona

Absinthe was banned in France in 1915. Nevertheless, there was still a big demand for Absinthe throughout the world. Pernod Fils, the most popular Absinthe brand during that time, resettled its Absinthe distillery to Spain, and original Pernod Fils Absinthe continued to be distilled over the border in Tarragona until the late 1960s. Pernod followed the tradition and used with some slight modifications the old French Pernod Fils Absinthe recipe from the 1900s. A pause was made during the second world war, though..

Old Absinthe Pernod Fils Tarragona for sale

We recently were lucky to acquire one bottle of original and old Pernod Fils Tarragona Absinthe for our private museum. The vintage Absinthe bottle can be dated to the late 1960s. As you can see, the filling level, labels and tax seal are still in perfect condition. That is, what makes us happy :-).


The ALANDIA Absinthe store was established in 2001. From this date on we are proudly serving the Absinthe Community worldwide.

2 thoughts on “OId Absinthe Pernod Fils Tarragona”

  1. Thanks Jack, that was a good buy 🙂 But you have an Absinthe Pernod Fils Tarragona as well, right?

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